The vibrating and multidisciplinary community of scientists gathered around the challenge will meet at the Anomalous Diffusion Workshop. The workshop will be held at ICFO premises in Castelldefels (Barcelona) on December 1-3, 2021. The event will consist on invited and contributed talks, together with various poster sessions and round tables where to discuss about the past challenge, but also into new perspectives. The invited talks will combine presentations from experts of the field, together with the winners of the various task of the AnDi Challenge 2020.
Confirmed invited speakers
- Maria F. Garcia-Parajo – ICFO, Spain
- Jean-Baptiste Masson – Institut Pasteur, France
- Diego Krapf – University of Colorado, USA
- Hélène Kabbech – Erasmus MC, The Netherlands
- Zihan Huang – Hunan University, China
- Felix Ritort – Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Pietro Tierno – Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Challenge awardees
- Stefano Bo, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany &
- Aykut Argun, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Giorgio Volpe, University College London, UK
- Alessia Gentili, University College London, UK
- Òscar Garibo i Orts, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- J. Alberto Conejero, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- Tom Bland, The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Dates and Venue
The even will take place in the Auditorium of ICFO. For details on the venue, please visit this link.
Important dates:
- Registration: November 8, 2021
- Abstract submission: November 8, 2021
- Abstract notification of acceptance: November 14, 2021
- Workshop: December 1-3, 2021
If circumstances won’t allow its celebration in total safety, the workshop will be held online or in a hybrid format.
Confirmed invited speakers
- Maria F. Garcia-Parajo – ICFO, Spain
- Jean-Baptiste Masson – Institut Pasteur, France
- Diego Krapf – University of Colorado, USA
- Hélène Kabbech – Erasmus MC, The Netherlands
- Zihan Huang – Hunan University, China
- Felix Ritort – Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Pietro Tierno – Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Challenge awardees
- Stefano Bo, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany &
- Aykut Argun, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Giorgio Volpe, University College London, UK
- Alessia Gentili, University College London, UK
- Òscar Garibo i Orts, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- J. Alberto Conejero, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- Tom Bland, The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Abstract Submission and Poster Guidelines
Abstracts must be compiled in LateX according to the guideline provided in this template. A LateX file must be submitted by November 8, 2021 via the registration form. An extra pdf file can be also provided.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee, which will select the best 12 for oral communications. Two poster sessions allowing a total of 40 posters will be organized.
Invited speakers should also submit an abstract.
Poster should be size A0 and in vertical format (84.1 cm wide × 118.9 cm tall). Poster boards do not fit horizontal posters.
Code of conduct
Workshop attendees are expected to adhere to the highest professional standards, according to the OPTICA (Formerly OSA) Anti-harassment Policy and Code of Conduct:
Optica is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to the free and robust exchange of scientific ideas. This environment requires that all participants be treated with equal consideration and respect. While Optica encourages vigorous debate of ideas, personal attacks create an environment in which people feel threatened or intimidated. This is not productive and does not advance the cause of science. All participants in Optica and Optica-managed events and activities are therefore expected to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully.
It is the policy of Optica that all forms of bullying, discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise, are prohibited in any Optica or Optica-managed events or activities. This policy applies to every individual at the event, whether attendee, speaker, exhibitor, award recipient, staff, contractor or other. It is also a violation of this policy to retaliate against an individual for reporting bullying, discrimination or harassment or to intentionally file a false report of bullying, discrimination or harassment.
Bullying, discrimination and harassment of any sort by someone in a position of power, prestige or authority is particularly harmful since those of lower status or rank may be hesitant to express their objections or discomfort out of fear of retaliation.
Optica may take any disciplinary action it deems appropriate if, after thorough investigation, it finds a violation occurred.